Changing Behaviour to Save Energy: ICT-Based Surveillance for a Low-Carbon Economy in the Seventh Framework Programme

EU FP7 texts discuss only the potential positive effects of technological surveillance, but neither acknowledge nor require the handling of its negative effects.

August 2014 · Baki Cakici, Markus Bylund

ICT4S 2029: What Will Be the Systems Supporting Sustainability in 15 Years?

What is your vision for systems that will be supporting sustainability in 15 years?

August 2014 · Birgit Penzenstadler, Bill Tomlinson, Eric Baumer, Marcel Pufal, Ankita Raturi, Debra Richardson, Baki Cakici et al.

Detecting the Visible: The Discursive Construction of Health Threats in a Syndromic Surveillance System Design

Information and communication technologies are not value-neutral tools that reflect reality; they privilege some forms of action, and they limit others.

July 2014 · Baki Cakici, Pedro Sanches

The Informed Gaze: On the Implications of ICT-Based Surveillance

Information and communication technologies are not value-neutral.

September 2013 · Baki Cakici

Sustainability Through Surveillance: ICT Discourses in Design Documents

Surveillance translates the traces, and the translations exert new pressures on existing power relations.

June 2013 · Baki Cakici

A Workflow for Software Development Within Computational Epidemiology

A critical investigation into computational models developed for studying the spread of communicable disease is presented.

August 2011 · Baki Cakici, Magnus Boman

Disease Surveillance Systems

This thesis presents a method for understanding disease surveillance systems structurally and examines four existing systems.

May 2011 · Baki Cakici

CASE: A Framework for Computer Supported Outbreak Detection

We present a technical framework designed and implemented at the Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control for computer supported outbreak detection.

March 2010 · Baki Cakici, Kenneth Hebing, Maria Grünewald, Paul Saretok, Anette Hulth

Economic consequences to society of pandemic H1N1 influenza 2009 — preliminary results for Sweden

Experiments using a microsimulation platform show that vaccination against pandemic H1N1 influenza is highly cost-effective.

September 2009 · Lisa Brouwers, Baki Cakici, Martin Camitz, Anders Tegnell, Magnus Boman

MicroSim: Modeling the Swedish Population

This article presents a spatially explicit microsimulation model that uses official anonymized register data collected from all individuals living in Sweden.

February 2009 · Lisa Brouwers, Martin Camitz, Baki Cakici, Kalle Mäkilä, Paul Saretok