Methods as Forces of Subjectivation: Experiments in the Remaking of Official Statistics

We develop the concept of methods as forces of subjectivation in relation to experiments we have encountered in a study of official population statistics.

March 2020 · Baki Cakici, Evelyn Ruppert

Peopling Europe through Data Practices: Introduction to the Special Issue

What does it mean to say, I am European? Where does Europe begin and end? Who can legitimately claim to be a part of a European people?

March 2020 · Baki Cakici, Evelyn Ruppert, Stephan Scheel

Doing a Transversal Method: Developing an Ethics of Care in a Collaborative Research Project

We depart from some conceptual presuppositions of methodological cosmopolitanism to define a transversal method.

September 2019 · Stephan Scheel, Francisca Grommé, Evelyn Ruppert, Funda Ustek-Spilda, Baki Cakici, Ville Takala

Beyond Mystery: Putting Algorithmic Accountability in Context

We cannot stop at denouncing the lack of accountability for algorithms but must engage the broader systems and that algorithmic systems exist within.

February 2019 · Elizabeth Reddy, Baki Cakici, Andrea Ballestero

Citizen Data and Trust in Official Statistics

In a time of alternative facts, what constitutes legitimate knowledge and expertise are major political sites of contention and struggle.

December 2018 · Evelyn Ruppert, Francisca Grommé, Funda Ustek-Spilda, Baki Cakici

Data Scientists: A New Faction of the Transnational Field of Statistics

We discuss how data science as a field and a profession came into being in relation to but also as a critique of existing ones such as statistics and statisticians.

October 2018 · Francisca Grommé, Evelyn Ruppert, Baki Cakici

Regarding the Constants of Nature and of Art

Babbage’s constants and engines exemplified a rationality which emphasised counting and measurement as essential means for legitimate knowledge production.

August 2018 · Baki Cakici

Triggering Action: Participatory Surveillance and Event Detection in Public Emergency Management

Our chapter is informed by work that theorizes the relationship between knowledge of populations and modes of governance

August 2017 · Martin French, Baki Cakici

Citizen Data and Official Statistics: Background Document to a Collaborative Workshop

This working paper was written in preparation for a collaborative workshop organised for statisticians, social scientists, and app designers.

July 2017 · Francisca Grommé, Funda Ustek-Spilda, Evelyn Ruppert, Baki Cakici

Transcending Methodological Nationalism Through a Transversal Method? On the Stakes and Challenges of Collaboration

This paper reflects on the challenges of doing collaborative ethnography in a research project (ARITHMUS) that studies the enactment of populations through statistics.

September 2016 · Stephan Scheel, Baki Cakici, Francisca Grommé, Evelyn Ruppert, Ville Takala, Funda Ustek-Spilda