Configuring Parents as Citizens and Consumers: Local Variations in Informational Material about School Allocation and Choice in Sweden

Children and their families in Sweden might encounter different understandings of education depending on which municipality they live in.

February 2025 · Hanna Sjögren, Baki Cakici

Spaceships and Poetry: Enlivening the Lab as a Site of Feminist Critical Pedagogy

We analyse the critical potential of STS lab work in technical environments and provide recommendations from our evolving space of feminist praxis.

December 2024 · Rachel Douglas-Jones, Baki Cakici, Marisa Leavitt Cohn, Simy Kaur Gahoonia, Mace Ojala, Cæcilie Sloth Laursen

The Politics of Seamlessness: A Rights Claims Perspective on Digital Identification Technologies

We analyse seamlessness and political participation as digital identification becomes the invisible background of state-citizen interactions.

June 2024 · Baki Cakici, Alena Thiel, Ranjit Singh

When Numbers Run Out: Civil Registration and the Performativity of Methods

Personal identification numbers used in the Nordic countries contain a fundamental tension that is impossible to resolve via technical fixes.

January 2024 · Baki Cakici

Risken är att att 500 miljoner kronor kastas bort på en ny folkräkning

Mot bakgrund av kunskapsläget är vi förvånade över att regeringen och Sverigedemokraterna avser att driva igenom att Sverige ska genomföra en folkräkning.

April 2023 · Baki Cakici, Hanna Sjögren

Writing Bodies and Bodies of Text: Thinking Vulnerability Through Monsters

We suggest approaching writing as a vulnerable practice marked by an unstable boundary between bodies: bodies of text and bodies of writers.

March 2022 · Line Henriksen, Katrine Meldgaard Kjær, Marie Blønd, Marisa Cohn, Baki Cakici, Rachel Douglas-Jones, Pedro Ferreira, Viktoriya Feshak, Simy Kaur Gahoonia, Sunniva Sandbukt

Data Practices: Making Up a European People

The book develops a conception of data practices to analyze findings from collaborative ethnographic multisite fieldwork as part of a five-year project.

November 2021 · Evelyn Ruppert, Stephan Scheel, Baki Cakici, Francisca Grommé, Funda Ustek-Spilda, Ville Takala

Data Subjects: Calibrating and Sieving

Who are the subjects of data practices? How do data practices configure the capacities of subjects to become part of a population?

November 2021 · Baki Cakici, Evelyn Ruppert

Statistician Subjects: Differentiating and Defending

We consider how the statistician subject is being shaped, and the profession of national statistician repositioned, through professionalising practices.

November 2021 · Francisca Grommé, Baki Cakici, Ville Takala

Upon Not Opening The Black Box

We offer a discussion on the value of data, its use and non-use, as well as how to live with this ambivalence.

April 2020 · Simy Kaur Gahoonia, Pedro Ferreira, Marisa Cohn, Katrine Meldgaard Kjær, Michael Hockenhull, Baki Cakici, Marie Blønd, Rachel Douglas-Jones, Cæcilie Sloth Laursen, Sonja Zell